Monday, August 12, 2013

Science Article Annotation & Practice:

First assignment! Partly for practice and partly to explore ideas, I'll be doing reports on science-related articles for my physics class. Today's report is on an experiment done by students of the University of West Georgia (for the article, go to this link:

To test a possible method for extinguishing flames in zero or low gravity situations, hopefully one worthy of the ISS (International Space Station).

Sound waves can extinguish a flame by reducing pressure around it, forcing it to go out.

During free fall (via airplane), speakers were used on a candle flame.

Although the speaker-candle apparatus was successful in the lab, it did not work in free fall

Although the apparatus will mot work in zero gravity, it could be used in computer labs where regular extinguishers would be destructive.

Sources: (2006). Fighting Fire with Sound: Acoustic Waves Could Help  Put Out Flames in Zero-Gravity Environments. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedaily. com/vide os/2006/1012fighting_fire_with_sound.htm

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